
Conference coordinator:
1. Second International StemNet Meeting – organizer – 18-20 ottobre 2023, Brescia, Italy
2. First International StemNet Meeting – organizer – 22-24 Settembre 2021, Padova, Italy
3. European Organoids Symposium, EOS 2019 – organizer – 23-24 Settembre 2019, Fondazione Cariplo, Milano, Italy
4. Seventth FIRST - Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells – organizer - Milano (Italy) 12-13 Maggio 2016
5. Sixth FIRST - Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells – organizer - Milano (Italy) 12-13 Maggio 2014
6. Fifth FIRST - Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells – organizer - Milano (Italy) Maggio 13-14 , 2013
7. Fourth FIRST - Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells – organizer - Pavia (Italy) Maggio 14th, 2012
8. Third FIRST - Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells – organizer - Milano (Italy) 3 Maggio 2011
9. Second FIRST - Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells – organizer - Modena (Italy) 3 Maggio 2010
10. ISCT International Society for Cellular Therapy – organizer, scientific board – 11-14 Settembre 2010 (Belgirate, Italy)
11. Firtst FIRST – Meeting of the Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cell – organizer- 2009 (Milano Italy)
12. Thercord (Development and preclinical testing of cord blood-derived cell therapy products, Specific Targeted Research Program 6th Framework Programme), 5th meeting – organizer – 2009 (Milano, Italy)
13. Thercord (Development and preclinical testing of cord blood-derived cell therapy products, Specific Targeted Research Program 6th Framework Programme), 4th meeting, - organizer - 2008 (Leiden, Netherlands)
14. Thercord (Development and preclinical testing of cord blood-derived cell therapy products, Specific Targeted Research Program 6th Framework Programme), 3rd meeting: - organizer - 2007 (Milano, Italy)
Invited speaker:
1. “Cellule staminali - Il futuro della donazione cordonale” - invited speaker (titolo: Cellule staminali cordonali) – 8 giugno 2024, Cagliari
2. Organ transplantation from DCD and the management of multiple organs failure including regenerative medicine” - invited speaker (titolo: Extracellular vesicles in regenerative medicine), 1-2 dicembre 2023, Bologna
3. 39th Congresso della Società Italiana di Istochimica - invited speaker (titolo plenary session: Organoids as models of human diseases) – 14-16 giugno 2023, Vulcano Messina
4. 34th AICC annual conference “Organoids as models of human diseases” - invited speaker (titolo: Human organoids from pancreas and lung as possible therapy and functional models) – 1-3 dicembre 2022, Napoli
5. “First International workshop on Advanced Cell and Gene Therapies: share the experience, shape the future.” “ATMP, the next level of medicine: modular, closed, green, clean and lean.” - invited speaker (titolo: NANT 001 bioreactor for automated production of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for clinical use in accordance with good manufacturing practices) – 7-8 aprile 2022, Torino
6. ISEV, International Society for Extracellular Vesicles – invited speaker (titolo: Human induced pluripotent stem cells as inexhaustible source of immunomodulatory extracellular vesicles) – 25-29 maggio 2022, Lyon, France
7. RenalToolBox, 3rd Workshop on Stem Cell Technologies – invited speaker (titolo: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Manufacture) - 13-15 Ottobre 2020, online meeting
8. Next generation GISM – invited speaker (titolo: Gli ostacoli da superare nella ricerca sulle MSC: il punto di vista di Team Leader di IRCCS, Università e Industria, in Italia e all’Estero – 22 ottobre 2020, online meeting
9. Terapie Avanzate: progetti, alleanze e tecnologie al servizio della medicina moderna – invited speaker (titolo: Cell Factory networking) - 9 Novembre 2020, online Meeting
10. 28° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia - invited speaker (titolo: Nuovi attori in medicina rigenerativa: gli organoidi come modello di malattia e per la rigenerazione degli organi) – 2-5 Dicembre 2020, online meeting
11. GAPP – invited speaker (titolo: Facilitating the authorisation of preparation process for blood, tissues and cells) – 11 Febbraio 2019, Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, London, UK
12. GAPP – invited speaker (titolo: Facilitating the authorisation of preparation process for blood, tissues and cells) – 20 Maggio 2019, Agency of biomedicine Medical and Scientific Department, Paris, France
13. 4th Consortium Meeting of LSFM4LIFE – Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy 4 Life – European Project - invited speaker (titolo: Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Pinpoints a New Heterogeneous Exocrine Lineage in Human Pancreatic Organoids) - 14 Maggio 2018, Cambridge, UK
14. SCR Italy, annual meeting – invited speaker (titolo: Can we distinguish fetal, adult and iPS-derived MSCs?) - 22-23 Giugno 2018, Milano, Italy
15. ISCT EU Regional Meeting – invited speaker – 12-14 Settembre 2018, Florence, Italy
16. GAPP – invited speaker (titolo: Facilitating the authorisation of preparation process for blood, tissues and cells) - 20-21 Settembre 2018, Agencie de Biomedicine, Paris, France
17. Second Young Gastroenterologist Day & Milestones and breakthroughs in IBD – invited speaker (titolo: Stem cells: fistula, refractory disease and what?) – 12-13 Novembre 2018, Milano, Italy
18. Medicina Rigenerativa e Terapie Avanzate: lo stato dell’arte tra Industria ed Accademia – invited speaker(titolo: Produzione di cellule staminali in ambito ospedaliero) – 22-23 Novembre 2018, Castel Bolognese, Italy
19. 3rd Consortium Meeting of LSFM4LIFE – Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy 4 Life – European Project - invited speaker (titolo: Standardized GMP-compliant scalable production of human pancreas organoids) - Frankfurt, Germany - 11 settembre 2017
20. Kickoff Meeting – LSFM4LIFE – invited speaker (titolo: Production and characterization of endocrine cells derived from human pancreas organoids for cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes) – Brussels 8-9 Febbraio 2016
21. Joint Action VISTART “Vigilance and Inspection for the Safety of Transfusion, Assisted Reproduction and Transplantation” (Grant Agreement No. 676969) – external expert - Rome, Italy, 28 Ottobre 2016
22. GISM, Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali - Annual Meeting – invited speaker - Brescia, Italy, 20-21 Ottobre 2016
23. Third International Congress on Responsible Stem Cell Research – invited speaker - Padua, Italy, 16-18 Novembre 2016
24. Second Milano Laryngology Masterclass – invited speaker – Milano, Italy, 26-27 Novembre 2015
25. XXVI Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale “Deploying stem cells” – invited speaker – Roma, Italy - 11-14 settembre 2013
26. First Milano Laryngology Masterclass – invited speaker – Milano, Italy 7-8 Novembre 2013
27. Business Model for Regenerative Medicine, Progress to Therapy 2012 - invited speaker - Glasgow – 20-23 Marzo 2012
28. Italian Forum on Industrial Biotech and Bioeconomy – invited speaker – Milano, 23-24 Ottobre 2012
29. “Il trattamento della patologia della cuffia dei rotatori della spalla tra biologia e techniche chirurgiche”, – invited speaker – Istituto Gaetano Pini, Milano, 24 Novembre 2012
30. 97° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale – invited speaker – 19-22 Maggio 2010 (Riccione, Italy)
31. ISCT International Society for Cellular Therapy – invited speaker – 11-14 Settembre 2010, (Belgirate, Italy)
32. Symposium on Regenerative Medicine – The European Tendencies – invited speaker – Belgrad, Serbia Ottobre 20th 2010
33. Quinto Convegno Internazionale sulle cellule staminali, Agrigento, Italy – invited speaker – 24-27 Novembre 2010
34. Serono Symposia “Progress in Stem Cell biology and medical applications”: - invited speaker - 2009 (Stresa, Italy)
35. Terapia cellulare 2008: una prospettiva europea - invited speaker - :2008 (Milano, Italy)
36. NovusSanguis ITERA – invited speaker – 2008 (Maastricht, NL)
37. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Vienna, Austria – invited speaker – 2008
38. “Stem Cells: Europe needs a responsible regenerative medicine” – invited speaker – 2008 European Parliament, Bruxelles, Belgium
39. “Singapore Stem Cell Consortium – International Stem Cell Conference” – invited speaker – Febbraio 1stand 2nd 2007, The Biopolis, Singapore
40.Thercord (Development and preclinical testing of cord blood-derived cell therapy products, Specific Targeted Research Program 6th Framework Programme), 2nd meeting : - invited speaker - 2007 (London, GB)
41. Singapore Cord Blood Bank, Singapore – invited speaker – Luglio 2007
42. CK Life Sciences Int’I. Hong Kong – invited speaker – Luglio 2007
43. Agorà (Associazione e Centro per l’Aggiornamento Medico) “9° Congresso Internazionale di Medicina Estetica” – invited speaker – 2007 (Milano, Italy)
44. BioSKILLS “Terapie innovative e prodotti cellulari avanzati: ricerca, sviluppo e produzione GMP” – invited speaker - 2007 (Milano, Italy)
45. International Symposium of “Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine” – invited speaker - 2007 (Mulhouse France)
46. Faseb, Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology – invited speaker - “2007 (San Francisco, California, USA)
47. French Senate “Human amniotic fluid cells and their differentiation potential” – invited speaker - 2007 (Paris, France)
48. Faseb, Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology – invited speaker – 1-5 Aprile 2006 (San Francisco, CA, USA)
1. SCR – Stem Cell Research Italy XII meeting – 13-15 giugno 2024, Palermo
2. Second annual meeting NOTA (Network Officine Terapie Avanzate) - 14-15 marzo 2024, online
3. Kick-off meeting, ORTHOalloUNION project – 7-8 marzo 2024, Madrid
4. Third EVIta Symposium (Società Italiana per le Vescicole Extracellulari) – 13-15 settembre 2023
5. First annual meeting NOTA (Network Officine Terapie Avanzate) – 30-31 Marzo 2023, online meeting
6. Good Clinical Practice and applicable legislation – 30-31 marzo 2023, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Grande Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, Italy
7. Second EVITA Symposium (Società Italiana per le Vescicole Extracellulari) – 20-22 Settembre 2021, Lucca, Italy
8. Produzione e Controllo di qualità: le nuove sfide per le Cell Factories ospedaliere ed accademiche, Miltenyi Biotec Italia – 20-21 Luglio 2021, online meeting
9. Viaggio attraverso le cell factories di terapia genica e cellulare, NCNBio webinar - 19.05.2021, online meeting
10. Il sistema di qualita' come asse portante delle quality operations, NCNBio webinar - 09.06.2021, online meeting
11. EVITA Workshop “EVs as Biomarkers” – 25 Settembre 2020, online meeting
12. Regione Lombardia “TARGET Community of Practice – Taking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation, 6 Marzo 2019
13. Biospine, 7th International Congress on Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery – 3-5 Aprile 2019, Roma, Italy
14. Accesso alle Terapie Avanzate: innovazioni e prospettive nel contesto della Regione Lombardia – ATMP Forum, 30 Settembre 2019, Milano, Italy
15. First EVIta Symposium, Extracellular Vesicles Italian Society – chairman - 6-8 Novembre 2019, Palermo Italy
16. Advanced Cell Therapies and Tissue Engineering – 14-16 Novembre 2019, Nature Conferences Milano, Italy
17. First Advanced Therapies Science Meeting – 25-26 Novembre 2019, RESTORE, Berlin, Germany
18. CAR-T in operation: Challenges and Perspectives, Ministro della Salute – AIFA 24 Gennaio 2019, Rome, Italy
19. ISEV, International Society of Extracellular Vesicles, annual meeting, 2-5 Maggio 2018, Barcelona, Spain
20. GAPP, Facilitating the Authorisation of Preparation Process for blood, tissues and cells, kick off meeting, 7-8 Giugno 2018, Rome, Italy
21. GISM, Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali - Annual Meeting – chairman - Brescia, Italy, 20 Ottobre 2017
22. ISS, Istituto Superiore di Sanità - 10 years of experience with advanced therapy medicinal products: past, present and future – Rome, Italy, 10 Novembre 2017
23. Nature Conference: Regeneration – Milano, Italy - 16-18 novembre 2017
24. Stem Cells and Organoids as Models of Tissue Differentiation and Disease - Royal College of Physicians London, UK, 12 Gennaio 2016
25. Fundraising Pow Wow, Centrale Etica – Milano 22-23 Gennaio 2016
26. Extracellular vesicles: friends and foes – Rehovot (Israel) 7-9 Giugno 2016
27. Aging and Metabolism - Cell Symposia – Sitges (Spain) 10-12 Luglio 2016
28. Donne in Neuroscienze "Dalla Ricerca alla Malattia. Opportunità per uno sguardo diverso" – chairman - Istituto Mario Negri, Milano 15-16 Settembre 2016
29. Cell Symposia, Multifaceted Mitochondria, Chicago (IL, USA) 19-21 Luglio 2015
30. Stem Cell Epigenetics, Cell Symposia – Sitges (Spain) 20-22 Settembre 2015
31. Cells: from Robert Hooke to cell therapy a 350 year journey, The Royal Society, London, UK, 5-6 Ottobre 2015
32. Sixth World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria – Berlin (Germany) 28-30 Ottobre 2015
33.. Keystone Symposia, Fibrosis: From Bench to Bedside – Keystone (Canada) – 23-28 Febbraio 2014
34. ISCT International Society For Cellular Therapy – Paris (France) - 23 - 26 Aprile 2014
35. TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society) EU meeting – Genova (Italy) 10-13 Giugno 2014
36. Fifth Annual Conference “New research Perspectives for a Future without ALS” – AriSLA Fondazione Italiana di Ricerca per la Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica, Milano (Italy) 26 Settembre 2014
37. Fifth World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria – Berlin (Germany) 29-31 Ottobre 2014
38. Biobanks: case studies and legal profiles, Milano (Italy) 20 Novembre 2014
39. The European Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences: Translating Discoveries into Innovation and Health Promotion – Rome (Italy) 3 Dicembre 2014
40. Stem Cell Energetics, Cell Symposia – Berkeley (California, USA) 9-11 Dicembre 2014
41. Keystone Symposia, Stem Cell Regulation in Homeostasis and Disease – Banff (Canada) – 24-28 Febbraio 2013
42. First European Interdisciplinary Summit on Cell-Based ATMPs - Vienna, Austria, Maggio 02 - 03, 2013
43. ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research) 11th annual meeting: - Giugno 2013 (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
44. ASCB (American Society for Cell Biology, New Orleans, LA, 15-17 Dicembre 2013
45. Keystone Symposia, Regenerative Tissue Engineering and Transplantation – Breckenridge, CO (USA) – Aprile 2012
46. ESF Workshop, “Around Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Dissection and Exploitation of Sectretory Activity of MSC for Regenerative Medicine and Anticancer Therapies - Bologna, 12-13 Aprile 2012
47. Seventh Annual Translational Stem Cell Research Conference organized by New Yor Stem Cell foundation - New York NY, 10-11 Ottobre 2012
48. ASCB (American Society, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dicembre 2012, FL (USA)
49. ASH (American Society of Hematology) 53rd annual meeging – Dicembre 2011, San Diego, CA (USA)
50. Cascade - Cultivated Adult Stem Cells as Alternative for Damaged tissuE, Scientific Committee, Paris, France, 14 Gennaio 2010
51. Reborne - Regenerating Bone Defects Using New Biomedical Engineering Approaches, Scientific Commiette, Paris, France, 15 Gennaio 2010
52. NovusSanguis, Scientific Committee, Vienna, Austria, 28 Gennaio 2010
53. 4rd UK Mesenchymal Stem Cell Meeting, Leeds, UK, 14 Aprile 2010
54. Settimo Programma Quadro – I nuovi bandi Ricerca per le PMI e Ricerca per Associazioni di PMI”, 24 Settembre2010, Regione Lombardia, Milano
55. National Health Research Conference 2010, 8-9 Novembre 2010 Cernobbio, Como
56. First European Conference on Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Toulouse, France, 18-20 Novembre 2010
57. ASH (American Society of Hematology) 52nd annual meeting – Dicembre 2010, Orlando (USA)
58. First Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Meeting: 2009 (Milano, Italy)
59. ASH (American Society of Hematology) 51st annual meeting, 2009 (New Orleans Lousiana, USA)
60. ISCT International Society for Cellular Therapy- 2009 (San Diego, California, USA)
61. ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research) 8th annual meeting: - 2009 (Barcelona, Spain)
62. “Adult somatic stem cells new perspectives” - 2009 (Monaco, Montecarlo)
63. “Small & Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Health Research Maximizing outcomes of EU-funded research projects – Tools for success” – Febbraio 26th, 2009 (European Community,
64. SMEs in Health Research – 2009 (Bruxelles, Belgium)
65. Stem Cells Europe – Settembre 2009 (Edinburgh, UK)
66. INGM (Istituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare) BD Biosciences “RICS – Rete Italiana Cell Sorting”: 2008 (Milano, Italy)
67. ASH (American Society of Hematology) 50th annual meeting – 2008 (San Francisco, California, USA)
68. “Mesenchymal stem cells and Regenerative Medicine”, Tours (France) 11-13 Maggio, 2008
69. “Staminali cordonali al microscopio: che tipo di ricerca in una cell factory?” – 2008 (Milano, Italy)
70. Keystone Symposia – 2008 (Vancouver, Canada)
71. ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research) 5th annual meeting: Cairns, Australia, 17-20 Giugno 2007
72. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II “Time-lapse microscopy & live cell imaging course”: 2007 (Anacapri, Italy)
73. Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico “Valorizzazione e tutela dei risultati della ricerca”: 2007 (Milano, Italy)
74. IRCCS Multimedica, Milano CheckUP Medical Scienze Expo 2007 “Cellule Staminali: applicazioni nelle malattie croniche, prospettive terapeutiche” 2007 (Sesto San Giovanni, Italy)
75. ESH, “Biology and clinical applications of cord blood cells” - 2007 (Paris, France)
76. Recent Progress in Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine – 2007 (Genova, Italy)
77. Keystone Symposia, Stem cell interactions with their microenvironment niche– 2007 (Keystone, Colorado, USA)
78. ISCT International Society for Cellular Therapy – 2007 (Sydney, Australia)
79. ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research) 4th annual meeting: 2006 (Toronto, Canada)
80. Keystone Symposia “Stem Cell” - 2006 (Whistler, Canada